Saturday, 7 June 2008

Tell Me Why

The thing about these past few saturdays is that they are very good for vegetating. Take the one i spent watching the American Idol Marathon, which of course took up all of the next day as well, but it was well worth the sacrifice of not going out to the shops. Besides not spending beyond the call of a shopping list as i would usually have, i also managed to persuade the boys to finish all the foodstuff that is still in the freezer. And how i love the Idol; Simon Cowell in particular, always a masterpiece of minimum number of choice words with maximum impact!

Then there was last saturday. I had the grand plan of surprising my partner in crime for our used to be once a month or so petit dejeuner ensemble but i woke up with a really bad cold. So what choice did i have but to vegetate again. And I did, by watching a total of 253 videos on utiub. It is a shameful way of spending a weekend but it did rid me of the cold in time for an extremely busy week.

So here we are, close to the end of this present saturday, which has not been spent vegetating, but more or less. The truth is, i am still trying to recover from the shock of the petrol price hike, so shocked was i that i didn't even bother to join the queue last wednesday night. And the fact that crude price has gone up and up and expected to go all the way up to 150 does not make it any easier to fathom the future.

Someone on TV said it is all a question of supply and demand. To stabilise the price, demand must be kept down through drastic changes in consumption as production can no longer be increased, but traders are also to be blamed as they do gamble on the surges in price. There we are, then. Gamblers are bringing down countries again? But really, it is all very confusing even for the pseudo-economists among us, and it does nothing for the folks who are faced with the sudden reality that they can no longer make ends meet no matter what the explanation may be.

There are many more questions that i need answers to; like what Obama meant when he used the three big words including the word hadiah all in one sentence? Or are the geng 8 coming up with something new or just same old, same old, all in their own aid and noone else's?

Well, i am going back to vegetating, while looking for more learned answers, the unadulterated truths, from the wisest of the wise. Or is it meant to be, that Mr. Cowell alone is the definitive yoda?


cakapaje said...

Salam bebee,

Hehe...since I don't watch AI, I guess I can't qualify as vegetating, can I? lol! But honestly, that - watching you tube - maybe the only entertainment left for many in the future. Sad, and hopefully not true.

Btw, think you'll like the song at my place :)

Bebee said...

W'kum salam Cak,
Right, just leave the vegetating and utubing to me, at least until my daughter comes home and uproot me from the couch!
Yup, love the Spailayalam song, thank you...silly me, i thought it was in portugaise;)
And there's Cavatina and Misty for u plus the other Casablanca for yr Humphrey Bogart friend, at my other place:)

cakapaje said...

Hehe...forgot to put comment on my first visit earlier.

That Spailayam song on my blog, I think it is Portuguese but just did not want to stress on it. And thanks for Cavatina and Misty, left comments there repectively :)