The last time i had seen her was in March at Milano Centrale, holding hands with Aieda, waving goodbye as the TGV took me back to Geneve.
And that had been a very good visit as we drooled all over the shops at the Galleria and Monte Napoleone and went shopping where we could afford, apa nama pasar tu ek, Kak Ngah?
Took a day trip to Venezia too but everybody forgot to recharge the cameras and the mobiles and by the time we got to Realto, we had to buy the pakai buang Kodaks. It was the holiday mood, i guess, or may be Kak Ngah's cooking. No, definitely not old age. Thank you again, Aieda, Kak Ngah and the handsome Syeds who loved Nacho Libre.
Before that, there had also been a long wait, sitting at the Nottingham Railway Station after coming off the East Midlands train, waiting for Aisyah to come and get me. It was the first time seeing her after she left last September. That was the time i saw my baby girl in her element, at her place in Notts, studying her cute *** off while i slept in her bed until it was time to get up and eat. I had dropped by for a couple of days with all the good intention of cooking for the girls but ended up being pampered by them, 5 future doctors no less.
We did go walkabout the Jubilee campus and a l'hopital but gave Robin Hood a miss. Well, may be next time, kalau ada rezeki.
Jubilee Campus on a Weekend
It was a strange view from this side of the railing, unlike those times when i was the one coming home, walking out of the glass door as fast as possible, trying to avoid the expectant look on the faces of those carrying the placards with many a misspelled name or marital status or worse still, the wrong gender.
Then i saw my darling daughter, smiling broadly, which was a relief. Hugs all around and off we went, chatting (chattering, Chah?) all the way home. We are not done with the catching up yet, but we do have three whole months!
Salam bebee,
Your daughter is studying Medicine in Notts? MaysAllah! May she be a good one and perhaps, treat me one day, lol!
Btw, at my links, there's a Minci, who has just finished Medicine at Manchester and was attached to Preston. By chance, perhaps they both know each other.
Wah bukan main sayu bila berkunjung ke laman ini. Sungguh sayu dan hiba mendengar iringan lagu dan membaca kandungannya!
Ggitulah saja nak kata. Ccakak luor sikik. Harap baik sereme. My salams to Pak Wan Salleh.
Wa'alaikumussalam Cak,
My daughter said belum kenal, she just finished 1st year. I hope and pray she'll be a good one too but won't have to treat u cos u'll stay's the toe, btw?
Salam Che' Awang,
Saya pula terharu di atas kunjungan saudara, segan juga kerana tulisan saya merapu saja!
Eh, ccakak luor retek. Terime kaseh lah singgawh tu, seremenye alhamdulillah. Pak Wang Salleh and his Mok Cik Yang baru balik Umrah. Guess you know my partner in crime, Tlady, is also still at it with this blogging thingy.
Salam to yours too, bila gamoknye Kak Teh nok cerite kisah Geneva?
Salam again bebee,
The nailbed has dried and show glimpses of nail regrowing, I think.
Oooh! You had The Awang Goneng visiting you! My, that's an honour indeed! But I just could not make heads or tails of the conversation, pardon me.
Salam again Cak,
The Awang Goneng inspired me and my partner in crime, my cousin, to start blogging after we read GUIT.
Actually i have been a long time admirer of AG's writing since he was the NST-man in London, used to keep his articles in a shoe box, together with those by Russell Baker.
AG also went to school with my brother yg dia kirim salam tu.
Nampaknya u have to read GUIT so boleh belajar Trengganuspeak!
Good to know u are re-clawing ;)
Hello Bebee, you found me in yellow pages? Ha ha. Terima kaseh for dropping by my place.
Wow! I buka pintu your blog, I hear one of my favourite musicians, singers, Incik louis Armstrong...and 'La vie en rose'. are my kind of lady.
I like your post..ahhh, you were in Venezia? I was there in 1963, yes wayyyyy back. Ha ha.
Love your pics here..well taken, and I like the father and baby pic...makes me feel war.
You stay easy and have a nice day, Lee.
Hi Lee,
Thanks for dropping by here too...wah, kita ada mutual kawan by the name of Louis! i think got some more like Connie, Patsy and that Presley guy.
Actually the pics had gone thru a filtration process before ending up here...and the one of my son and grandson was taken by my daughter-in-law.
U have a nice day too, Lee, U and yours!
Jangang ingat semua orang Mountain View geeks and techie. Ambe ada saing yang duduk dang kerje kat situ.
Dok semua boleh kita stereotype gitu.
This friend of mine, a former Professor at Stanford, doesn't even know how to receive and send emails... yes until today!
I will always have to email to another friend (in the neighboring township - Palo Alto), who will then print and hand delivered to this IT illiterate friend.
That is despite having been a resident of the Silicon Valley neighborhood over the last 30 years and taught at one of the top IT/EE school!
BTW - lupa nok kkabor, my daughter Aiman has started to blog
Tiap-tiap malam dia cek her blog's traffic ...
A'kum Ka,
Actually bukang nok stereotype, i just thought the visits were from the bigG co. people "supervising" the write, not actually bcos of interest in what i write...
Anyway, saing Ka tu ajar ape? Snail Science? doh kalu kena email-then-print-then-hand deliver, what type of mail is that? slower-than-snail mail? Sorry, not judging, don't know whole story, not judging!
GGura je tuuu, thanks for stopping by and commenting...wassalaam
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